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Osprey featured on Conservation Coalition Podcast

The Conservation Coalition recently rolled into Mobile, AL to feature Osprey Initiative on their podcast, the Electric Election Roadtrip Podcast. This series of interviews focuses on showcasing local solutions to environmental issues that affect us all, regardless of your political affiliation or choice at the polls this year. These inspiring stories come from places you would never expect.  Don Bates, founder and CEO of Osprey, and Ellie Mallon, data analyst, discussed how we are reducing litter in public waterways and providing vital data to inform consumers on how to make a difference with litter in their communities. We don’t want to just remove litter from waterways – we want to stop it at its source! This is episode 34 of The Conservation Coalition’s cross-country odyssey to bring you local stories about the many environmental solutions taking place around the U.S. during the election season. Watch here or subscribe via the podcast platform of your choice by searching Electric Election Roadtrip!


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What We Offer

The patented Litter Gitter is a tactical in-stream litter collection device used to intercept floating litter from stormwater runoff. The Osprey team handles all aspects of installing and maintaining these “trash traps” and compiles data on the items caught in them, recycling as much of the litter as possible.