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Osprey is the owner of the Litter Gitter (patented), a small stream litter collection device used to intercept floating litter from stormwater runoff.

Initial tests indicate a 80+% success rate in preventing the downstream loss of floating litter. Osprey handles all aspects of installing and maintaining the Litter Gitter. Litter is separated from vegetative debris.

Recyclables are separated from the regular trash. Quantities are recorded and results are reported on a quarterly basis for inclusion in MS4 reporting if needed.


We blend our experience in environmental consulting with our hands-on litter removal and field assessment to develop an implementable litter attack plan for communities and watersheds. We categorize collected and observed litter and materials into groupings that indicate type and condition of litter to determine source and efficient means to remedy litter issues. Our solutions are tailored to that community or watershed’s specific needs, vision and resources.