Bayou Fountain litter boom to be maintained by outside contractor

BREC, the Louisiana Stormwater Coalition, Paddle BR and the Baton Rouge Area Foundation today announced they have entered a partnership to install a boom in Bayou Fountain to clean up litter that washes down the waterway every time it rains. 

The boom will be maintained by Osprey Initiative, an environmental contractor, using funds raised by LSC and dispersed through a BRAF account. 

The boom installation and management is the result of LSC’s grassroots efforts to clean up litter in the Capital Region’s watersheds. The group acquired the 70-foot-long boom from a New Iberia company using $1,100 of the approximate $15,000 it has raised this year through a donor-advised fund it established with BRAF. 

BREC is inviting volunteers to join in cleaning up the bayou downstream of the new boom to free the waterway of any existing litter so the bayou can have a fresh start. The bayou cleanup will begin at 8 a.m. on Saturday, July 24, starting at BREC’s boat launch at Highland Community Park.  

Read more about LSC’s efforts to acquire the boom and Baton Rouge’s litter problem from Business Report. BREC volunteer registration is available here.  

This story originally appeared in the Greater Baton Rouge Business Report by Deanna B. Narveson. Read the original story here.


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The patented Litter Gitter is a tactical in-stream litter collection device used to intercept floating litter from stormwater runoff. The Osprey team handles all aspects of installing and maintaining these “trash traps” and compiles data on the items caught in them, recycling as much of the litter as possible.