City of Mobile, Osprey Initiative launch ‘Litter Literacy’ program for local schools 

Mobile, Ala. — The City of Mobile has partnered with Osprey Initiative to teach middle school students in public, private and parochial schools across Mobile about the impact of litter. 

The “Litter Literacy Program” officially kicked off in late September and has already worked with students in multiple local schools. Earlier this week, Osprey Initiative founder Don Bates and Administrative Leader Cassie Eldredge brought the presentation to 6th-grade science classrooms at the Denton Magnet School of Technology. The students at Denton learned more about various types of litter and how roadside litter can ultimately impact local water quality and wildlife. 

“When we launched the Litter-Free Mobile initiative in 2021, our Office of Resilience began looking at new and different ways to address litter through education, prevention, collection and enforcement,” Mobile Mayor Sandy Stimpson said. “There’s a reason that education was listed first. That’s because future generations of Mobilians must be invested if Mobile is ever to become a Litter-Free community.” 

Working with Mobile’s Office of Resilience, Osprey Initiative has created an impressive program that engages students with interactive digital features and hands-on activities. The curriculum is rooted in the knowledge that Osprey Initiative’s team has gained keeping local waterways clean. The Litter Literacy Program aims to teach young Mobilians that litter is more than an eyesore, and their actions as individuals can go a long way to making Mobile’s litter problem a thing of the past. 

If you are a local teacher who wants to see the Litter Literacy Program come to your classroom, please email or If you’re a parent, let your child’s teacher know that the City of Mobile can provide this resource for local students. 

Check out the short video below about the program featuring Mobile’s Chief Resilience Officer Casi Callaway and Osprey Initiative Founder Don Bates:

This news story originally appeared on the City of Mobile news page. View the full story online here.


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The patented Litter Gitter is a tactical in-stream litter collection device used to intercept floating litter from stormwater runoff. The Osprey team handles all aspects of installing and maintaining these “trash traps” and compiles data on the items caught in them, recycling as much of the litter as possible.