City of Mobile urges residents to dispose of old tires during Scrap Tire Amnesty Day

MOBILE, Ala. (WKRG) —  The City of Mobile says it wants to focus on a litter free Mobile, especially when it comes to properly disposing old tires.

On December 10 from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m., the City is encouraging residents to take part in their Scrap Tire Amnesty Day in an attempt to promote a healthier environment.

Residents of Mobile County are welcome to bring up to 4 tires for free to one of the City’s four drop-off locations.

The City hopes that Mobilians will take advantage of this day and participate in their efforts to help prevent illegal tire dumping.

“This is a great way for them to legally and properly put a tire where it belongs,” said Casi Callaway, Chief Resilience Officer for the City of Mobile. “Those tires will get recycled into playground equipment, into energy and the materials and metals in those tires can get recycled into steel, it’s a great win win for the environment and for our community.” 

According to The Alabama Coastal Foundation, leaving these used tires lying around is bad for the environment in many different ways. 

“It not only creates a problem health wise for humans such as those tires, if they collect water, they will be breeding grounds for mosquitoes and those carry diseases,” said Mark Berte, Executive Director of Alabama Coastal Foundation. “it also doesn’t help the environment because all that rubber does not decompose quickly.”

Here is a list of the four drop-off locations throughout Mobile County where you can dispose of your scrap tires:

District 1: Tricentennial Park  2121 Lake Dr., Mobile, AL 36617  Osprey Initiative 

District 3: Baumhauer-Randle Park  1909 Duval St., Mobile, AL 36606  Dog River Clearwater Revival 

District 6: Medal of Honor Park  1711 Hillcrest Rd., Mobile, AL 36609  Dog River Clearwater Revival 

District 7: City of Mobile Recycling Center  4851 Museum Dr., Mobile, AL 36608  Osprey Initiative 

This story originally appeared on WKRG News 5. You can view the original story online here.


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The patented Litter Gitter is a tactical in-stream litter collection device used to intercept floating litter from stormwater runoff. The Osprey team handles all aspects of installing and maintaining these “trash traps” and compiles data on the items caught in them, recycling as much of the litter as possible.