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Record Breaking Cleanup in Louisiana

Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser and Keep Louisiana Beautiful (KLB) are pleased to announce volunteers removed a record 313 tons of litter during Love the Boot Week April 17-23, 2023.

“I want to thank all Louisianans who helped clean up during Love the Boot Week. It was our largest clean up ever and I couldn’t be more proud of everyone’s hard work,” said Lieutenant Governor Nungesser. “Let’s Love the Boot every day and put the paradise back in Sportsman’s Paradise.”

“All 64 parishes participated and a remarkable 547 events took place in just one week,” said Susan Russell, KLB Executive Director. “I am grateful to all Louisianans who care enough about Louisiana to bring awareness to the litter problem and actively work to remove and prevent it.”

In total, 12,777 individuals volunteered for 61,493 hours. In addition to litter removal, volunteers focused on community beautification, planting 370 trees and 3,542 plants, and refurbishing 146 gardens.

Participating in Love the Boot Week were 23 colleges and universities, 78 K-12 schools, 57 individuals and family groups, 199 businesses and non-profit organizations, and 190 governmental entities.

Plastic beverage bottles were the most common litter type picked up. Other common items found included fast food packaging (cups, wrappers, bags), alcohol beverage containers, cigarette butts and/or tobacco packaging, and plastic bags.

With support from Love the Boot sponsor, The Coca-Cola Company, Osprey Initiative was contracted to implement recycling for plastic bottles and aluminum cans at 16 events. Recovered were 1,548 bottles and 1,586 cans, totaling 135.29 lbs.

Visit to learn:

  • Litter prevention tips
  • How to check out clean up supplies at your local library
  • How to get your business involved in the Clean Biz Partnership

Sponsors of Love the Boot Week include the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, The Coca-Cola Company, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana, Lamar Advertising, Cox Communications, The Crawfish App, Alexandria and Pineville Convention and Visitors Bureau, Louisiana Restaurant Association, Texas Brine Company, and Winn-Dixie.

Keep Louisiana Beautiful is an anti‐litter and community improvement non-profit organization focused on achieving a clean and beautiful Louisiana through education, enforcement, public awareness, and community engagement. Keep Louisiana Beautiful is affiliated with Keep America Beautiful and is comprised of a statewide network of 40 Community Affiliates and seven University Affiliates. Learn more at


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The patented Litter Gitter is a tactical in-stream litter collection device used to intercept floating litter from stormwater runoff. The Osprey team handles all aspects of installing and maintaining these “trash traps” and compiles data on the items caught in them, recycling as much of the litter as possible.